Binary Clock 2.5

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 319.00 kB
Release date: Nov 08 2013
Platform: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64
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Country: Ukraine

Binary Clock

Binary Clock is a gadget that will add to your desktop or Sidebar a binary clock. This is a clock displays the current time in binary notation. Save settings to file. (File will be created – Path: %APPDATA% Filename: gadgetname_Settings.ini). Color changeable for all gadget’s elements, including background. Available as a Windows Gadget, the utility is very easy to customize and equally entertaining to use. You have a choice of both modern and classic, various time and date formats.
Binary Clock – a neat Windows Gadget that shows you the time in binary; might not be the fastest way of reading the time but it is one of the smartest. Binary Clock gadget is specially designed for Binary Lovers.


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