Category Archives: Communications

Chat & Instant Messaging, Dial Up & Connection Tools, E-Mail Clients, E-Mail List Management, Fax Tools, Newsgroup Clients, Other Comms Tools, Other E-Mail Tools, Pager Tools, Telephony, Web/Video Cams

Gammadyne Mailer 45.0

Type: Shareware
Cost: $130
Size: 16.44 MB
Release date: Oct 20 2014
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: United States of America

Gammadyne Mailer

Gammadyne Mailer is essential software for automating a business’s email marketing. It can send personalized email campaigns and process virtually any type of incoming email. Carefully crafted to achieve the highest delivery rate, it will reach more of your audience and generate more sales. And its ability to track opens and clicks provides an abundance of marketing knowledge. By utilizing your website’s mail server, or renting a cheap server, you can save a fortune by avoiding the recurring fees associated with an email service. For over 14 years, Gammadyne Mailer has been helping businesses grow. No email marketing effort should be without it!

ECTtracker 15.1.0

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 1.72 MB
Release date: Nov 22 2014
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Switzerland


ECTtracker is an eye-tracking program, allowing the real-time analysis of the user’s eye (open or closed). This application is a part of the complex of assistive technology software created by EyeComTec (LAZgroup SA). ECTtracker implements low cost computer mediated communication for people suffering from various forms of paralysis or significantly impaired mobility.

The program is used in conjunction with applications for capturing video from webcams or other devices connected to your computer (ex: ECTcamera, Skype). The program assigns different key codes to different states of the user’s eye, which can later be transmitted to any application (ex: ECTmorse, ECTkeyboard). Thus, by opening and closing one or both eyes, the user can control programs and type texts.

Using a special recognition structure ECTtracker compares the image received in real-time from the camera with pre-stored user samples. Samples are small static images with accurate focus on the area of the user’s eyes: on some samples the user’s eyes are open, on other – one or both eyes are closed. The program selects the samples with the highest match through comparing the image samples obtained with the camera.

ECTtracker is fully customizable. The program contains more than 45 settings with which you can change the appearance and functionality. The user has a full control over the video processing speed (frames per second). Some settings can significantly reduce the requirements for computer resources, so the program runs stably even on low-end computers.

ECTtracker doesn’t require installation or modifying the registry of the operating system and works with portable devices. Supports simultaneous launch of multiple copies of the program; Possibility to save all table samples and user settings in separate files.

ECTkeyboard 31.1.0

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 2.69 MB
Release date: Mar 06 2015
Platform: Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinOther,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP,Other
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Switzerland


ECTkeyboard (EyeComTecKeyboard) is a program that allows individuals with reduced motor skills to type text letter by letter. The program works with eye tracking applications (for example, ECTcamera and similar programs), allowing to select characters in a text matrix through eye movements and blinking. It also supports direct input of characters from the virtual keyboard through contracting a muscle or a group of muscles, drawing the air or other means available to people with limited motor skills.
The main window of the program is a text matrix with a set of symbols or pictograms, the appearance and the order of which can be customized by the user. ECTkeyboard allows to enter text using different methods : Step by step- mode , in which the program highlights one character after another , and the user selects the desired character through blinking or other accessible action; Coordinate mode ( when the selection is made horizontally and vertically) where the user first indicates the row or the column before selecting the desired character in them; Separating regime, where the entire text matrix gets divided in two, after being selected the part containing the desired letter splits in its turn, and so-on until a single character is selected ; Virtual keyboard mode allows to work with a mouse or another manipulator device. Operating modes are suitable for different groups of users with limited motor skills; all typed text is registered to a file.
ECTkeyboard has a simple interface, but at the same time a plurality of customizable settings. Almost any parameter can be modified – the number of letters in a row or column, matrix colors, colors and font style of a selected cell or to the entry delay, allowing to choose the most comfortable work pace, avoid fatigue and make working with ECTkeyboard as comfortable as possible. All settings can be imported to files allowing to quickly switch them.