Category Archives: Communications

Chat & Instant Messaging, Dial Up & Connection Tools, E-Mail Clients, E-Mail List Management, Fax Tools, Newsgroup Clients, Other Comms Tools, Other E-Mail Tools, Pager Tools, Telephony, Web/Video Cams

G+ Terminator 1.1

Type: Shareware
Cost: $47
Size: 7.20 MB
Release date: Dec 01 2014
Platform: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Israel

G+ Terminator

This Windows application bot will help you to auto remove non-followers from your Google plus circles.

With this bot you can easily uncircle people which does not follow you back on Google+.

Clear your G+ circles with SINGLE CLICK!
Highly recommended!

This softwarewas made to help you with Google+ activity.

Forget about annoying manual uncircling!

Automate it!

g+ terminator
Main Features of the bot:

Auto scrapes people in your circles (latest 5000).

Auto scrapes people which have you in their circles (latest 5000).

Auto extracts people which does not follow/circle you back.

Works on Windows XP, Vista, Win7 and Win8.

Set time interval between uncircling people.

Auto login to Google Plus account.

Blocks css and images for quick pages loading.

Auto saves uncircled people to file to prevent visiting already removed people.

You can manually add people you do not want to uncircle from your circles.

Clears cookies.

Watch how it works:

This will help you on your daily Google+ activity.
If you are even thinking about doing business on Google+, you?ll want this script.
Uncircle people, which does not follow you back with this super powerful Google+ bot.

OpenProtocols Connector 2.23

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 12.08 MB
Release date: Mar 18 2015
Platform: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Australia

OpenProtocols Connector

The OpenProtocols Connector unlocks the power of Microsoft Outlook and allows it to communicate with these mail platforms, providing integrated calendaring/scheduling, contacts, tasks etc.

The OpenProtocols Connector is designed for:

– Outlook users who wish to have integrated calendaring, contacts, messaging, etc against servers other than Microsoft Exchange.
– Outlook users who use Microsoft Exchange and want the same features with any other email accounts they may have.
– Messaging Platform providers who wish to provide their customers with a premium Outlook experience.

ECTlistener 2.6.34

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 1.44 MB
Release date: Jan 07 2015
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64,Other
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Switzerland


ECTistener software, created and developed by EyeComTec ( is intended to analyze sound signals from any microphone. Depending on the length and volume of the signal, ECTlistener emulates key strokes and sends control codes to the receiving software.
The program was created for disabled people (paralyzed or those with extremely reduced mobility) and works in conjunction with other programs (e.g. ECTkeyboard symbol matrix). By using a personal computer with a microphone and both ECTlistener and ECTkeyboard, patients can type text letter-by-letter by using individualized vocal prompts such as moans, loud breathing, sniffing and many other sounds. This allows them to communicate with their relatives, friends, service or medical staff.
Nowadays, there are many technical solutions that allow users to generate key strokes with different sounds, or inhalation or exhalation of air. However, all these solutions require special equipment and are not available for everyone at a reasonable price. Simultaneously, EyeComTec are developing ECTlistener as an easy, comfortable to use and affordable alternative for those solutions.
To start the program the user needs only a personal computer equipped with a microphone which are freely available in any electronic or computer shop. ECTlistener can even work on very old personal computers with low productivity, due to the program’s low system requirements. Furthermore, fast export or import of all settings, the small size of the program and the ability to work without any installation, allows the user to execute ECTlistener from any removable device, for example, flash card, external hard drive etc.
The program is really customizable and has a user-friendly interface. Initial settings take only few minutes to operate and program is ready to work! ECTlistener is free for any private use, contains no advertising and supports many languages.