Category Archives: Education

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Kintecus 6.80

Type: Shareware
Cost: $645
Size: 15.08 MB
Release date: Feb 17 2019
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: United States of America


As of January 2018, the Kintecus simulation software has been cited over 300 peer reviewed high impact factor journals: SCIENCE, JACS, PNAS, J. Phys. Chem.A, NATURE, PCCP, J. Biol. Chem., Plas. Chem. Plas. Proc., Int. J. Chem. It is an Industrial Strength/Research Grade chemical modeling, chemical kinetics and equilibrium software for simulation of combustion, nuclear, biological, enzyme, atmospheric and many other processes via a graphical interface. Kintecus features the ability to quickly run Chemkin models. Multiple Chemkin/freestyle thermodynamic databases can be used. Isothermal/Non-isothermal, adiabatic constant volume, constant pressure (variable volume) can easily be modeled with a flick of a switch. Programmed volume (replicating engine piston motion), programmed temperature, programmed species concentration can all easily be included in your model WITHOUT C/FORTRAN programming. Heterogeneous chemistry is also easily modeled. Kintecus has the ability to fit/optimize rate constants, initial concentrations, Lindemann/Troe/SRI/LT parameters, enhanced third body factors, initial temperature, residence time, energy of activation and many other parameters against your dataset(s). Note that Kintecus will actually fit the parameters at EXACTLY the time your data was measured with confidence bands/uncertainty analysis. Unlike other programs, Kintecus DOES NOT interpolate a function against your data and then fit the values against this interpolation. There is no need to ‘clean’ your data, suggest interpolation methods nor specify timing meshes against your experimental data since Kintecus calculates values at exactly the times you specify in your experimental datafile .Can also scan parameters and bootstrap standard errors as well as perform metabolic control analysis via eigenvector/eigenvalue analysis. Can also perform complex hierarchical cluster analysis on temporal concentration profiles with/without experimentally obtained temporal concentration profiles.

Random Word Generator 28.0

Type: Shareware
Cost: $17
Size: 12.08 MB
Release date: Feb 11 2019
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: United States of America

Random Word Generator

Random Word Generator is a time-saving creativity aid that creates lists of random, artificial words. Its sophisticated system of word construction generates a high percentage of useful words. Words can be subject to certain restrictions, such as ending in a vowel or making the third letter ‘a’. A spell checking dictionary can automatically ensure that words are artificial or real. Other features include a customizable word construction engine, output to screen or file, generation of random variations of a word, generation of all possible words from a given format, generation of random words from the dictionary, anagram finder, and much more.

PitchGridTest 1.00

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 65.46 MB
Release date: Oct 24 2018
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Switzerland


The Pitch Grid Test is a relative pitch test that evaluates your ability to discriminate pitch-distances. For the test, the notes are laid out in form of a grid: There are 4 rows of octaves starting from C2 to C5. The number of columns depends on the selected the grid sensitivity. E.g. 100 cents correspond to 12 columns (chromatic scale); 33 cents correspond to 36 columns. In this way pitch-distances beyond half-step precision get assessed.

The test starts with a grid sensitivity of 1200 cents. That is the grid consists of only 1 column. That means: to pass the test you only have to click in the correct row, in which the played note was played. After you have passed 10 questions, the test continues with a grid sensitivity of 600 cents. Meaning the grid consists now of 2 columns.

Each time you have answered 10 questions the grid sensitivity decreases and the number of clickable columns increases. Therefore the difficulty increases you must listen more carefully to figure out the destination note – and thus leads to longer answer times.

The Pitch Grid Test may look like an absolute pitch test. However, it is a relative pitch test. The last played tone is highlighted on the grid and marks your reference tone for the next question.

Since you do not want to test grid sensitivities that you have already mastered, the Pitch Grid Test allows you to select the starting grid sensitivity for the test.

If you fail to answer the ten questions for a given grid sensitivity, then the test stops. Your relative pitch score is then calculated from the last past grid sensitivity and the maximum time you needed to answer a question.

To assess your relative pitch abilities, the answering-speed is crucial. Therefore, the answering time is also incorporated in the relative pitch indicator.