Category Archives: Games & Entertainment

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Blocker Plains 6.0

Type: Demo
Cost: $23.90
Size: 10.33 MB
Release date: Jul 30 2020
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Germany

Blocker Plains

Blocker Plains is a reaction game with six levels from very easy until very difficult and individual, an unlimited number of balls, 50 stone plains and a freely movable Blocker.

The objektive of the game is, through fast clear away of the stone plains, to be accepted into a Champions list.

Eight captivating sound themes with different listener positions and changing backgrounds gives Blocker Plains a long prolonged motivation.

The Blocker size, the size and speed of the balls and the ball gravity are changed variably through the game levels.

Six players can simultaneously participate in the game.

Wall Street Raider 8.72.0

Type: Shareware
Cost: $21.95
Size: 2.46 MB
Release date: Apr 20 2020
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: United States of America

Wall Street Raider

Wall Street Raider — the ultimate in sophisticated financial simulations, a corporate takeover and stock market game and simulation, in which you strive to build your corporate empire by fair means or foul, all the while trying to stay one step ahead of the SEC, IRS, Justice Department, EPA, Congress, powerful unions and no end of ruthless competitors and dealing with difficult ethical choices — not to mention various manmade and natural economic and other disasters. In this highly realistic simulation, 1 to 5 players (including the computer) compete to amass fortunes, investing in, or taking over and managing, any of up to 1590 companies in 70 industry groups. Once in control of a company, you’ll use all the tricks of the trade of real Wall Street corporate raiders to expand your empire and net worth, including hostile takeovers, greenmail, LBOs, IPOs, junk bond financing, mergers, restructurings, dominating your industry, antitrust and other lawsuits to harass competitors, or dealing in put and call options and commodities. All in the quest for the Almighty Dollar (or Yen, Pound, Euro, or other currency you configure it for). All your investment research and financial wheeling and dealing occur against the backdrop of a nonstop ‘live’ stock ticker tape, scrolling financial news tape, and a constantly shifting economic and political environment in which all the companies and industries in Wall Street Raider must operate and try to cope. Speedy decision-making is of the essence, and sweaty palms are a certainty, as you try to cope and keep your company’s earnings on an upward track — or at least keep yourself out of Bankruptcy Court! …. Reviews: In a front page article (6/22/2000) Investor’s Business Daily called it an ‘…imaginative, stimulating…’ simulation. A leading computer columnist wrote of it, ‘You can really learn something about stocks, mergers, takeovers and the general world of finance, and have a whacking good time in the bargain.’

Universe of LIFE Theater 6.2

Type: Demo
Cost: $35.90
Size: 9.17 MB
Release date: Apr 07 2020
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Germany

Universe of LIFE Theater

jk-ware Universe of LIFE Theater is a playful PC application with forms of microorganisms.

Each form can be re-sized to display at the full screen resolution, or they can be arranged in a side-by-side format or in other overlapping or stacked formats. The selected arrangement can be saved to the later recall as configuration.

Idea of the game is, to let beautiful graphic forms and surprising shapes of microorganisms originate from as simple as possible initially-patterns in the following generations.

To this, Universe of LIFE offers you comfortable support:

the graphic dialog-side offers possibilities about the output-mode, the color-palette or to vary the cell-size.

The generations dialog-side enables to determine the incremental width and minimum-time of the indicated generations and the arithmetic-rule itself again.

With the settings on the shapes dialog side arising from a repeated change of the calculation rule within a course complex microorganisms.

On the search dialog side, you can search for new, noteworthy forms.

In the colors- and palette-dialog-side, the color-like look of the generations is influenced for the game-course.

To this you experience closer details over the context-help in the dialog-forms (? – key or F1-button), or over the content-button in the help-application.

You can manipulate also the current generation:

to this you simply choose ‘cell-input’ in the Universe of LIFE menu or press the F2-key and place the cursor with the mouse or the cursor-buttons on the game field-position that you would like to alter. By activity of the left mouse-button or the enter-key, an existing cell is removed at this position or a new cell is born in an empty-field.

The input-plane becomes selected with the mouse-wheel or with the a- and s-button of the keyboard.

In the status bar, the cell-coordinates are shown for additional control.