Category Archives: Security & Privacy

Access Control, Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools, Anti-Virus Tools, Covert Surveillance, Encryption Tools, Other, Password Managers

BestCrypt Container Encryption 9.08.9

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To protect your privacy, comply with regulations, such as HIPAA or PCI, and prevent data breaches, BestCrypt Container Encryption delivers ‘on-the-fly’ data encryption that’s easy to use for virtual drives and selected files or folders. BestCrypt encrypts files and folders on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux by utilizing a wide variety of algorithms (AES, Blowfish, Twofish, CAST, GOST 28147-89, Triple-Des, Serpent) and the largest possible key sizes with XTS, LRW and CBC encryption modes. By featuring deniable encryption and dynamic containers Jetico’s file encryption is the best TrueCrypt alternative. BestCrypt Container Encryption includes a full version of BCWipe a Jetico solution to permanently delete files, wipe free space and data remanence.

To protect the data you keep, BestCrypt Container Encryption features:
– Store and access encrypted files easily via virtual drives
– Create and manage multiple containers
– Adjust size of container files (from megabytes to entire drive)
– Enhanced Hidden Containers (deniable encryption)
– Encrypt headers of container files
– Support Public Key Encryption
– Support Secret Sharing Schemes
– Compress one or more files in an encrypted self-extracting archive
– Encrypt Windows Swap File
– Container-level compatibility across Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems
– Includes full version of BCWipe for military-grade file wiping
– Central management for deployment, monitoring and password recovery (Enterprise Edition only)

OPSWAT Security Score 7.7.2307

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OPSWAT Security Score is a free, lightweight tool that assesses your computer’s cyber risk based on various factors such as OS updates, vulnerable applications, firewalls, and malware protection. It provides a comprehensive view of your device’s security posture and practical recommendations to enhance its security. Leveraging OPSWAT’s core capabilities, the tool detects over 27,000 CVEs, alerts about missing OS updates, and suggests automatic updates for 150 third-party apps. It also checks for other security factors like antivirus scans and configurations, firewalls, browser security settings, and disk encryption.
OPSWAT Security Score features a click-to-run version that does not require installation. Simply click on it to run

BCWipe Total WipeOut 5.02.5

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Before selling, disposing or donating used computers, securely erase hard drives with BCWipe Total WipeOut. Trusted as the de-facto standard for the U.S. DoD, BCWipe Total WipeOut erases boot records, filesystem structures, operating system files and service areas like Host Protected Area (HPA) and Device Configuration Overlay (DCO). BCWipe Total WipeOut comes built with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD 5220.22-M) and U.S. Department of Energy (DoE M 205.1-2) standards, as well as other popular wiping standards. In addition, you can also create your own customized wiping scheme. The wiping procedure can be run on any hardware platform with x386 and 64-bit AMD/Intel architecture, Itanium or 64-bit SPARC, regardless of the operating system installed on the computer.