Category Archives: Web Development

ASP & PHP, E-Commerce, Flash Tools, HTML Tools, Java & JavaScript, Log Analysers, Other, Site Administration, Wizards & Components, XML/CSS Tools

PMVR – Patented Mappable VR 8.2a

Type: Shareware
Cost: $29.95
Size: 7.08 MB
Release date: Feb 21 2014
Platform: Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinOther,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP,Other
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: United States of America

PMVR - Patented Mappable VR

PMVR displays 360 degree panoramic images in a web page and in full screen mode (great performance, even on 2560×1600 displays) – a great alternative to QTVR (QuickTime VR) for creating large multi-node virtual tours. PMVR was designed to be small, fast, and multi-platform. When used with the optional floor plan, you can create incredible walk-throughs of homes or other "mappable" environments. When you move the panorama, you see a highlight change on the associated map/floorplan, visually showing you the ‘field-of-view’ seen in the panorama). Full integration with JavaScript allows for excellent customization by you or your web master. The included VirtualTourEditor.exe (Windows only) makes authoring your virtual tour as simple as a couple of mouse clicks. Just import your panoramas, set titles, create hot spots, and publish. Really large panoramas are fully supported. Use the mouse wheel to quick zoom in and out of the panorama. When panoramas larger than the viewer window are used, zooming in results in the end-user seeing more and more detail as they zoom in. Visit the top of PMVR manual web page at for many example virtual tours. Several of the sample tours feature large (5600×1000) high-definition panoramas. The resulting virtual tour is very crisp and clear and looks amazing in full-screen mode — simply stunning when viewed full screen on a large 30" 2560×1600 display, such as Apple’s Cinema display. The trial download includes several sample panoramas, which allows you to immediately launch the VirtualTourEditor.exe and produce your first virtual tour in a matter of seconds.

Effect Maker Basic Edition for Windows 1.1.1

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 12.45 MB
Release date: Dec 23 2014
Platform: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Sweden

Effect Maker Basic Edition for Windows

The Effect Maker allows you to customize JavaScript effects like scrollers, slide shows and messengers with your own texts, fonts and images. No JavaScript development skills are needed. With a few clicks you can start creating your own effects. You can have several customizations of one type of effect in your site. All standard web fonts are supported and if you like you can specify your own custom font if you support it by your HTML/CSS3 setup or template.

The following effects are included:

– Rotating Gallery – rotate your images around in a carousel giving them a real 3D feeling
– Image Scroller – Scroll a selection of images vertically or horizontally
– Horizontal Scroller – a ticker effect with side fading
– Vertical Scroller – a vertical ticker effect width side fading
– Image Fader – a simple slide show that fades images into each other
– Text Fader – a messenger where texts are fading into each other

Effects are easily inserted into your web sites by pasting the HTML code and including a generated .js file into your web site folder. Multiple configurations effects are supported in a single HTML page, thanks to the JavaScript instancing technology in Effect Maker.

Internet Explorer 9.0, Chrome and Firefox supported. Some effects may work on earlier versions of Internet Explorer down to version 8.0.

DocFlex/XSD II 2.8.0

Type: Shareware
Cost: $300
Size: 5.94 MB
Release date: Dec 30 2013
Platform: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64,Linux,Mac OS X,Java
Publisher’s Site:
Publisher’s Product Page:
Country: Germany

DocFlex/XSD II

DocFlex/XSD is a toolkit to generate high quality XML schema documentation in HTML, RTF and TXT (plain text) formats with a possibility of automatic inserting of XSD diagrams produced by XMLSpy or Oxygen XML (with the full support of diagram hyperlinks).

The entire doc-generator is implemented in the form of special ‘XSDDoc’ templates interpreted by a Template Processor with interchangeable output generators. The templates are edited using a graphic Template Designer with WYSIWYG capabilities, which allows you to customize the generated output as much as you want.

Using TXT output, you can also generate documentation in other formats (e.g. DITA) by specify in templates all necessary markup (tags, control words etc). This includes even inserting diagrams and image maps to them.


– Clear-cut highly navigable HTML documentation: Javadoc-like frameset structure, dense layouts (more information in less space), abundance of cross-links.

– The same documentation in RTF format (convertible further to PDF).

– Any number of input XSD files specified by URLs, file pathnames or Ant-like file patterns; full support of schema imports, inclusions and redefines; support of XML catalogs.

– A unique method of documenting of local element components allows for a single approach to various XML schema design patterns.

– Reliable processing of huge XML schemas of any complexity comprising tens of XSD files with thousands of components.

– Use of XHTML tags in XML schema annotations to format descriptions in both HTML and RTF (including inserting of images).

– Integrations with Apache Ant/Maven, XMLSpy, Oxygen XML Editor

– Possibility of unlimited customizations; special support.

– Flexible licensing: you can start using it even now and for free!

– Proven technology: 10+ years in development; chosen by 100+ organizations (including government bodies, standards associations, banks, IT-companies etc.) as their main XML schema documentation tool.