Create Fonts In Your Own Handwriting

High-Logic has released Scanahand, a Windows program that makes it easy
for each member of the family to create custom, hand-written fonts.
Scanahand lets you quickly create a font, install it in Windows in
seconds, and use it in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and every Windows
program that you own. You can type notes and cards in your favorite word
processing software, and print them in your own handwriting.

It’s easy and fun to create a new font. Simply print a copy of
Scanahand’s blank template, draw all of the characters using a black
marker or felt-tip pen, and scan your drawing. Scanahand quickly builds
and installs your font.

You can create a new font whenever the muse inspires you. Each family
member can create fonts to reflect their moods and personalities.
Creating fonts in your grandparents’ handwriting will encourage them to
write more often. Scanahand lets you save time writing cards for the
holidays, while adding a personal touch.

Scanahand lets you digitize your signature, and use it in any Windows
program. You can turn icons, company logos, or any line art into font
characters. If you have a graphics program installed on your computer,
it’s easy to open your hand-written template, and add artistic flair to
each of your font characters. You can even load your fonts onto
Macintosh computers.

Whether you’re a parent who wants each member of the family to have
their own personalized handwriting fonts, a teacher who wants to track
how your students’ writing skills have progressed through the year, a
home user who wants to create custom fonts for each of the holidays, or
a business person who wants to add a personal touch to corporate
correspondence, Scanahand has the tools that you need.

Scanahand runs under Windows Vista/XP/2003/2000/NT4/Me/98/95, costs
$29(US) for a single-user license of the Basic Edition, and may be
ordered securely online from The Premium
Edition, with multi-page template support, will be available later this
year, and will cost $49(US). Multi-user discounts are available. You can
download a free trial version of Scanahand from

For more information, contact High-Logic, Tuinstraat 60, 3732 VM De
Bilt, The Netherlands. Email: Internet:


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