VicMan Software officially announced the launch of its free platform for displaying photos on the Internet in a 3D environment. The platform uses a new technology based on realistic 3D visualization and allows creating photo presentations online.
At the heart of the technology is the ability to present photos in a natural and eye-catching way, placing them on the walls of virtual exhibition halls or on pages of various objects such as an old book, a glossy magazine or an ancient manuscript. For photorealistic and interactive display of such 3D presentations, a popular Adobe® Shockwave TM player is used.
Photo! 3D Presentation Platform is designed for Internet services that host or display photos, as well as for users who want to show off their photos in a new 3D environment. To enable users with the ability to create 3D photo albums, the developers provide an SDK. The SDK generates an HTML embed code that specifies all album settings like an album design and list of image URLs (as well as the background color, start mode and album size). It’s worth mentioning that you need not have your own file hosting to use the platform. All the resources necessary to create a presentation are located on the server, and all required parameters are transmitted through an embed code. In case you need to host your own pictures, the developers offer free image hosting on the server. Thus, Photo! 3D Presentation Platform lets you create 3D photo presentations the easiest way. By putting an embed code on your homepage, forum, blog or a social network, you will see a!
web-ready 3D presentation in your browser.
What makes the platform so easy to use? Everything you need is to select a 3D environment (your album design), choose the photos you want to display, hit a button – and a unique 3D photo presentation is ready! The developers do all the hard work for you. There are plenty (now about 35) of different beautiful designs available that can meet the design needs of most demanding users. The collection of galleries is constantly updated both by the developers and users themselves. Getting to know the principles of 3D modeling, one can always create his own “exhibition hall” in a 3D editor.
To evaluate the potential of the platform, check out Online Photo! 3D Widget service presented on the developers website. The widget lets you create 3D albums with web photos (by entering image URLs or grabbing photos from the popular FlickrTM service), as well as with photos taken directly from your PC. It is also important that the server provides free unlimited hosting for registered users albums. Additionally, Windows® OS users can download Photo! 3D Album software for free to enjoy the proposed technology offline (the program enables users to create 3D expositions with photos stored on their computer).
Photo! 3D Presentation Platform has been successfully used to create two extra skins for Jalbum, one of the leaders in web photo album software development. The software now features ‘Photo! 3D Album’ and ‘Photo! 3D Gallery’ skins.
Photo! 3D Presentation Platform provides wide possibilities for implementing various creative solutions and launching new popular projects, which service developers are eager to support.