Cambridge UK, May 5, 2008, – WordWeb Software announces the latest version of its market-leading puzzle construction program, Crossword Compiler 8 for Windows. Now fully supporting word search and sudoku puzzles in addition to crossword puzzles, the program has everything you need to make all kinds of educational, fun and professional puzzles.
The program is the de facto standard for the crossword construction industry, with most professional compilers and many publishers using it. It is also easy to use for teacher and trainers who can quickly make fun educational puzzles using their own words. Puzzles can be printed off as worksheets, exported in numerous formats, or uploaded in just a few clicks to the web puzzle hosting account which is included.
Features of version 8 include:
* Full support for generating word search puzzles using your own words
* Integrated web publishing – export your own interactive web puzzles
* Simple 1-page worksheet printout and PDF export
* Many new puzzle shapes and lists of theme words
* Optional Pro Grid Filler feature to place and fill around theme words
* Now available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese
Details of new features in version 8 and a video tour are available at
Crossword Compiler 8 works on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP and Vista. A demo version is available from The full program costs from US $59 – for pricing details in other currencies see There are numerous optional word lists available, as well as the WordWeb Pro dictionary/thesaurus add-on. A bundle package is available for US $189.
WordWeb Software is run by the developer Antony Lewis, and is based in Cambridge (UK). In addition to Crossword Compiler, WordWeb Software also makes WordWeb – a one-click English dictionary and thesaurus for Windows. There’s also a free reference site, providing online access to much of the WordWeb database.