VoIP applications save you money on long-distance calls. But do they make your life easier? To place even a single phone call, you’d have to download, install and configure a VoIP application, get an account with the service provider and learn the new program. These difficulties with VoIP applications often turn us back to regular phones, despite the cost.
EvaPhone is a free Web2.0-powered VoIP service that allows you to make free international PC-to-phone calls. It saves you money and doesn’t add the complications listed above.
Unlike other VoIP programs, this application doesn’t require any software installation. Instead it works directly from your Web browser. All you need to make a phone call is navigate to the website in a browser and dial the number right there in the browser window.
Another benefit of the program is that it doesn’t require registration with a service. To make a call to any number in any country, simply dial the number. The recipient will not have to pay for the incoming call, unless he/she pays for incoming calls anyway.
Your call to a landline or mobile phone is supported by a short ad, which is displayed while your telephone connection is being established. You may discontinue viewing the ads by registration at a nominal cost. But even with a membership account you have the ability to call at the price of a short ad. Registration benefits also include your own personal phone book and call history. EvaPhone’s toll rates are considerably lower and its quality of sound is higher than those featured by providers of stand-alone applications.
System requirements are Adobe Flash Player 9.0 or higher installed on your computer, which comes preinstalled on the majority of modern PCs. Because it is a browser-based application, it will work equally well on a PC, Mac or *NIX-powered computer.