SiComponents has released RegKeeper v. 2.0, a powerful Windows
application that makes it easy for software authors to manage their
sales and customer contacts. The program parses and processes orders
from all of the popular eCommerce companies used by mISVs and shareware
authors, and generates invoices, sends registration codes, and tracks
RegKeeper automates most of the work of order processing, sales
tracking, and customer communications. It’s easy to track direct sales,
affiliate sales, and sales made through PayPal, RegNow, ShareIt, Plimus,
and the other software eCommerce vendors. RegKeeper imports each of
these resellers’ order confirmation emails, and automatically builds
sales records in your Microsoft Access or MySQL database. The program
also filters and processes emails, tracks sales history, and produces
useful reports and graphs.
The program contains all of the features that you’d expect to find in a
professional order-processing system. It’s easy to turn orders from your
Internet sales form into customer information in your RegKeeper
database. The template manager lets you create standardized messages
that RegKeeper will email automatically to your customers at the
appropriate times. You can maintain a chargeback and refunds list so you
don’t continue to fill orders for customers who have a poor payment
record. RegKeeper can directly access your email server and grab only
those emails that contain order information. You can attach binary
attachments to the emails that you send to your customers, including
registration keys, voice messages, and advertising flyers.
New features in version 2.0 include support for MySQL, full UniCode
support for all international languages, support for multiple items and
multiple registration keys per order, a full-featured WYSIWYG editor for
HTML emails, additional features in the bulk email processor for sending
newsletters and sales messages, automatic backup for databases, improved
import wizards, and much more.
Whether you’re a shareware developer or mISV who needs to save
processing time by automating the sales and customer support functions
of your business, or an Internet vendor who wants to automatically send
order confirmations, invoices, and follow-up emails, RegKeeper 2.0 has
the tools that you need.
RegKeeper 2.0 runs under Windows 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/Vista, costs $149(US)
for a single-user license, and may be purchased securely online from You can download a free trial version from
the same web address. For more information, visit