Tag Archives: Chart

Nevron Open Vision 2022.2

Product Page: https://www.nevron.com/products-open-vision.aspx


Nevron Open Vision for .NET is a suite of advanced desktop UI controls that aims to streamline the development of feature-rich Desktop Applications by providing developers with premium quality UI controls that also work on multiple operating systems.

Included UI components and controls:
– NOV UI Widgets for .NET
– NOV Grid for .NET
– NOV Rich Text Editor for .NET
– NOV Chart for .NET
– NOV Schedule for .NET
– NOV Diagram for .NET
– NOV Barcode for .NET
– NOV Gauge for .NET

Nevron Open Vision 2022.2.22

Product Page: https://www.nevron.com/products-open-vision.aspx


Nevron Open Vision for .NET is a suite of advanced desktop UI controls that aims to streamline the development of feature-rich Desktop Applications by providing developers with premium quality UI controls that also work on multiple operating systems.

Included UI components and controls:
– NOV UI Widgets for .NET
– NOV Grid for .NET
– NOV Rich Text Editor for .NET
– NOV Chart for .NET
– NOV Schedule for .NET
– NOV Diagram for .NET
– NOV Barcode for .NET
– NOV Gauge for .NET

LanFlow Net Diagrammer 7.02.2172

Product Page: http://www.pacestar.com/lanflow/index.html


LanFlow is a drawing tool for laying out, designing, and documenting a network, LAN, internet,vector or other communications system. Drop in components like computers, workstations, routers, and servers and connect them with lines and cables. Choose components from built in symbols and clip art or add commonly available clip art formats. Use lines to connect your components and add dashes, curves, arrows or complex combinations for a custom look. Enter descriptive text anywhere, using a grid that helps you keep your work symmetrical and aligned. Contains powerful features like full zoom, OLE connectivity to add your diagrams to other documents, poster printing, graphics import and web page export, automatic routing, flow symbols, and more. Includes simple outline components and a full set of 3D network equipment symbols resembling the standards set by Cisco books and documentation.