Tag Archives: mac

Docflipper 0.3.6.

Type: Shareware
Cost: $2.99
Size: 28.96 MB
Release date: Feb 09 2022
Platform: Mac OS X,
Publisher’s Site:  http://somebay.com/
Publisher’s Product Page:  https://docflipper.com/
Country: Ukraine


The Docflipper transforms the native macOS app switcher into a simple and convenient tool that combines the familiar Cmd + Tab navigation and Bookmarks assistant within one board.

Key features:

– Create and manage bookmarks to have quick access to your favorite applications, projects, URLs, folders, files, or documents that are always at hand within the app switcher panel.

– Easy switch and surf between apps, windows, and bookmarks as you used to with a native Cmd + Tab switcher on Mac.

– The app brings a feature that makes the Finder and other hidden windows of launched applications always visible while switching.

– Docflipper supports work with apps that have a Linking to internal files feature. For example, Figma, Notion, etc. You can add and then open shared URLs directly to your projects or files in such applications.

– You can turn off applications notifications in the switcher panel to focus on your job and get distraction-free.