Tag Archives: OCR

OCR in .Net 2022.12.10830

Product Page: https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/ocr/technology/ocr-net/


Iron OCR has been specifically designed for use in .NET applications, including console applications, Windows Form Applications, WPF, and web applications such as Windows Forms and MVC. It is built on top of the Tesseract platform, but adds additional functionality, making Tesseract more usable in the real world. https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/ocr/technology/ocr-net/ and https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronOcr/

Iron OCR has been designed with developers in mind, allowing for rapid OCR setup within .NET projects. OCR requires a lot of preprocessing of images to make them readable by OCR libraries, which expect almost perfect input.

Iron OCR can automatically detect the properties of an image, a screenshot, photographs, scans, or PDF document and adjust itself accordingly, preprocessing the images so the OCR is likely to have over 95% accuracy without any settings being adjusted or any Photoshop work on behalf of the client organization.

Language packs are available for multiple languages including: Language packs available for Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. Language packs can be found here: https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/ocr/languages/

Iron OCR can be used with many other Iron products. It is commonly used with Iron Barcode. Iron OCR may be used to extract text from a document, whereas Iron Barcode can be used to detect barcodes with a higher degree of accuracy within a similar scan.

It may also be used with Iron PDF to repurpose content from scanned documents in new PDF documents. For more information, support, licensing questions please contact Iron Software. Product information can be found on the product page: https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/ocr/

PDF-Tools 9.5.366

Product Page: https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-tools


Create new PDF files from the output of any Windows app
Create and Edit Fillable PDF Forms; Dynamic Stamps; Interactive Adobe AcroForms
View Image and MSOffice files natively and convert to PDF automatically
Google Drive Support; OFFice2PDF
Convert PDF to MSPowerPoint format
Improved image and image text character conversion
ISO PDF/A 2a, 2b, 2u(RGB) format support
Supports Revision 6 of Acrobat X password security handler
World leading compression and optimization technology
ISO PDF/A 1a & 1b
Serity/Sign/Secure PDFs
PDF writer Optimization/Compression Controls
Advanced Memory Management
Convert Image files to PDF and back; .RTF & .DOC to PDF
Append/Prepend Pages from one PDF file into another PDF file
Scan Direct to PDF
OCR – searchable layer
Manipulate and Modify PDF files
Extract / Import Content from PDF to Text/Image/PDF formats
Export PDF to many file formats
Add/Edit/Modify/Export Bookmarks
Split/Merge/Delete/Crop/Rotate PDF pages
Re-Order Pages within a PDF file
Optimize PDF
Paper Settings & Custom Forms options
URL links embedded
MS Office Table of Contents
n-UP Printing mode automatically mounts/rescales pages to a single page and calculates correct page positions
Enhanced visual layout previewer resizes pages
Brochure/Booklet/Mirrored Printing
Flexible DPI output 50 – 2400DPI
CJK fonts/character set support
Add Watermarks or Overlay PDF pages to new PDF
Auto Bookmark/Auto Header/Footer generation
Graphics Downsampling embedding options
Extended Font embedding options
Create specific printer preferences and save to Profiles for future use.
MAPI/SMTP Automated Email integration options
Developers API available
Multi-language UI support
Citrix Metaframe/Terminal Server Certified.
‘Macro’ based Auto file naming/location – with JS rule based
Comprehensive Digital Signature and Security
Merge pages
Touch/Mouse screen mode
Multilanguage support
Google Drive, SharePoint,
Ribbon/Classic UI

ScanSpeeder 3.21

Product Page: https://scanspeeder.com/


Photo scanning has never been easier and faster than with this scanner software. Easily scan multiple photos by placing as many of your old photos as you can fit on your flatbed scanner. Your photos are automatically detected and straightened, then saved to separate image files. Scan prints, negatives and slides. Magic wand removes unwanted tint with one click. Deep color 48-bit scanning ensures your photos are ready to display on the next generation of monitors and TV’s.

Simplified interface and streamlined workflow minimizes what you need to do, making photo scanning even faster.

– Best-in-class automatic photo detection and straightening algorithm makes your project much easier
– Scan prints, negatives and slides
– Also scan documents, receipts and cards with OCR (text recognition)
– Scan from photo feeder and document feeder
– Maximize color accuracy and future readiness with 48-bit Deep Color scanning
– Get the most from your black and white photos with 16-bit True Gray scanning
– Tag and imprint text on photos to preserve written comments and date taken to help you find them later
– Save both archival/editing and sharing/slideshow quality at the same time