Tag Archives: PDF


Product Page: https://www.senterprisys.com.au


Free Business Software established 1989

FREE modules to assist business of general contractors, sub-contractors, owner builders:

1 TAKE-OFF and MEASURING module sets the industry standard in plan viewing and advanced takeoff software. Our Takeoff allows construction estimators & project managers to view and takeoff PDF plans & CAD output files, calculate materials, count objects, measure straight lengths, as well as calculate simple or complex areas and volumes with amazing speed and accuracy

2 ESTIMATING module can prepare detailed, bill of materials/abstract estimate, including material and labor estimates of residential and low rise commercial buildings. You can also prepare tenders, variations, cost abstract, labor/contractor’s bill, generate and approve selected purchase orders

3 JOBS MANAGEMENT module has features such as job progress, customer records management, document library, share documents, mail merged standard letters, progress claims updating and job cash book entries

PROJECT MANAGEMENT and AUTOMATION – Premium Modules (Free until end of 2020, then AU$59.95/US$49.95 per month per job. Single user, multi-user additional $100/user/annum)
Includes: Project management which allows you to keep track of all tasks, including task descriptions, automatically recalculate start and end dates based on prerequisite tasks completions, view completed and incomplete tasks. generate work in progress (WIP) reporting, orders and automating rules-based work. This also acts as a scheduling system for key business processes by making decisions on when to automatically instruct staff, subcontractors and/or suppliers to take subsequent steps

Whether you are a HEAD/GENERAL CONTRACTOR, a SUB-CONTRACTOR or an OWNER, our software has the potential to reduce your overheads and improve the workflow of your day to day construction tasks from beginning to end of your next project

WANTED: Distributors for multi-user premium version

PDF-XChange Editor 9.4.363

Product Page: http://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-editor


Full Page Text Content Editing, Extended OCR options, OCR, Google Drive, One Drive, Microsoft Office, SharePoint, Dropbox, Box.com Support, Spellchecker, Expanded XFA forms support, Listen/add audio comments, Add/Edit/Move Bookmarks, View embedded Multimedia support, Significantly improved rendering and page load speed, New Extended Digital Signature Support, PDF Security Support, Add Comments and Annotations, Add & apply Custom Stamps, Direct Content Editing (Paths & Images), Combine PDFs open/closed pdfs, Import Directly from XPS and other support formats, Bates Numbering, Send PDF files via email, Crop/Insert/Delete Pages, Scan Direct to PDF, Compatible with Windows XP and later, Plug-Ins for both MS IE or Firefox Browser’s, Fastest Document search, Convert PDF to Power Point, Portfolio Create and Support, 3D annotation, Plug-in, PDF Optimization, Full Java-script engine included, Plug-Ins for both MS IE or Firefox Browser’s included, Combine PDFs open/closed pdfs, Import Directly from XPS and other support formats

PDF-Tools 9.3.361

Product Page: https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-tools


Create new PDF files from the output of any Windows app
Create and Edit Fillable PDF Forms; Dynamic Stamps; Interactive Adobe AcroForms
View Image and MSOffice files natively and convert to PDF automatically
Google Drive Support; OFFice2PDF
Convert PDF to MSPowerPoint format
Improved image and image text character conversion
ISO PDF/A 2a, 2b, 2u(RGB) format support
Supports Revision 6 of Acrobat X password security handler
World leading compression and optimization technology
ISO PDF/A 1a & 1b
Serity/Sign/Secure PDFs
PDF writer Optimization/Compression Controls
Advanced Memory Management
Convert Image files to PDF and back; .RTF & .DOC to PDF
Append/Prepend Pages from one PDF file into another PDF file
Scan Direct to PDF
OCR – searchable layer
Manipulate and Modify PDF files
Extract / Import Content from PDF to Text/Image/PDF formats
Export PDF to many file formats
Add/Edit/Modify/Export Bookmarks
Split/Merge/Delete/Crop/Rotate PDF pages
Re-Order Pages within a PDF file
Optimize PDF
Paper Settings & Custom Forms options
URL links embedded
MS Office Table of Contents
n-UP Printing mode automatically mounts/rescales pages to a single page and calculates correct page positions
Enhanced visual layout previewer resizes pages
Brochure/Booklet/Mirrored Printing
Flexible DPI output 50 – 2400DPI
CJK fonts/character set support
Add Watermarks or Overlay PDF pages to new PDF
Auto Bookmark/Auto Header/Footer generation
Graphics Downsampling embedding options
Extended Font embedding options
Create specific printer preferences and save to Profiles for future use.
MAPI/SMTP Automated Email integration options
Developers API available
Multi-language UI support
Citrix Metaframe/Terminal Server Certified.
‘Macro’ based Auto file naming/location – with JS rule based
Comprehensive Digital Signature and Security
Merge pages
Touch/Mouse screen mode
Multilanguage support
Google Drive, SharePoint,
Ribbon/Classic UI