Tag Archives: SDK

SentiVeillance SDK Trial 9.0

Product Page: http://www.neurotechnology.com/sentiveillance.html


Real-time biometric facial recognition and pedestrian or vehicle tracking in live video streams. Available as SDK (software developing kit) for technology integration into small and large surveillance systems.

The proprietary technology provides automatic operation with multiple face detection, tracking, persons’ gender determination, mask wearing detection, enrollment and identification. Vehicle make and model estimation. Vehicle orientation angle estimation. Automatic license plate (number plate) recognition (ALPR/ANPR). Cloth and gender estimations for pedestrians, including face mask and partial or full nudidity detection.

Can be used in law enforcement, security, attendance control, visitor counting, traffic monitoring solutions.
Some applications may require to enroll the users in advance (such as list of employees or watch-list of unwanted persons or suspect criminals), whereas other just work on the general public passing by (i.e. detect if passers-by draw attention to certain ads or billboards).

The SDK allows to create networked applications and systems with multiple cameras and data processing nodes on Windows and Linux platforms.
Includes programming samples in Java, .NET, C, as well as all necessary components (the biometric technology, camera support, network synchronization).

The trial requires constant Internet connection.


Product Page: https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-tools


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Barcode Reader Toolkit for Windows

Product Page: https://www.bardecode.com/en1/app/barcode-reader-toolkit-for-windows/


Comprehensive barcode recognition sdk to read barcodes from images, PDF and bitmaps. Supported barcodes types include Code-39, Code-128, Code-25, Code-93, Codabar, EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E, Patch, QR-Code, GS1-Databar and PDF-417. Download includes code samples for DLL, OCX, COM, Java and .Net interfaces. Supports TIF, JPG, BMP, GIF, PDF and PNG files. Results can be exported to XML files and TIF documents split into sub-files according to the position on barcodes.