War Commander for Pokki 1.0.0

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 778.00 kB
Release date: Feb 05 2013
Platform: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:  http://www.pokki.com/
Publisher’s Product Page:  http://www.pokki.com/app/War-Commander
Country: United States of America

War Commander for Pokki

War Commander for Pokki is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing strategy game app for your Windows PC.
Build a powerful army, show no mercy and battle enemies for earth’s remaining resources in the hottest MMORTS war game on Facebook!
Players can control individual units on the battle field in real time as they slaughter enemy units and demolish buildings. War Commander allows players to engage in high-intensity PvP battles with opponents from around the world.
Download the Pokki desktop app game to start enjoying the most advanced strategy game ever created on Facebook. Kixeye, the leader in competitive online combat strategy games, partnered with Pokki to bring popular Kixeye games to the Pokki platform.
* Control individual units on the battle field in real time
* Lead your platoon through real time gameplay with asynchronous interaction between friends … or enemies.
* New World Map lets players explore and take control of new territory to build their empires.


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