Mortgage Qualification Calculator for Websites

With the addition of the new Mortgage Qualification Calculator, the MoneyToys(tm) collection of website calculators now includes 16 website calculators. The Mortgage Qualifier for real estate web sites helps home buyers determine how much they may be able to borrow for a home loan and what monthly payment amounts a lender may allow based upon a home buyer’s income, debt and savings.This mortgage affordability calculator also accommodates co-borrowers. The income and debt information of the co-borrower is considered in the qualification calculation.

Real estate webmasters can modify the default values to reflect their local market conditions. Housing and Debt Ratios, for example, can easily be configured for an agent’s local market. These values vary but it is important to remember the lender determines them for a home buyer. Historically, industry standards have been set at 28% for housing and 36% for debt. Real estate webmasters who choose to retain the historical standards for housing and debt ratios will help home buyers discover what their financial situation may safely do for them in terms of a mortgage loan.

In addition to income, debt and mortgage qualifying ratios, the Mortgage Qualification Calculator accounts for the amount a borrower has available for a downpayment and the interest rates they anticipate for different loan terms.

As a website visitor enters his or her financial values, the Mortgage Qualifier calculates and displays the estimated monthly payments, loan amounts and purchase prices for three mortgage loans for which the home buyer may qualify based upon the housing and debt ratio configured by the web master.

The Mortgage Qualification Calculator is designed for conventional fixed rate mortgages which are returning to popularity as home buyers become aware of the financial difficulties which may be posted by adjustable rate and interest only mortgages.

For more information:

The 16 website calculators in the MoneyToys collection are easy to install. With only a few lines of HTML and MoneyToys website calculators, real estate webmasters can quickly add online interactivity to a web site. The font face, colors and sizes of MoneyToys web site calculators are easily modified so they match the design of a website. In addition, the default values for the financial values can be set to fit any local market.

Included in the growing collection of 16 MoneyToys web site calculators are: Simple Loan Calculator, Mortgage Qualification Calculator, Biweekly Payment Calculator, Down Payment Savings Calculator, Very Simple Loan Calculator, APR Calculator, Closing Costs Calculator, Home Seller’s Proceeds, Refinancing Calculator, Rent or Buy Calculator, Loan Spread Calculator, Cash Flows Calculator, Future Value Calculator, Pay Down or Invest Calculator, Loan Comparisons Calculator, Mortgage Qualification Calculator and a Payment Calculator.

With MoneyToys calculator collection on a web site, the site’s visitors can perform financial calculations without leaving the site! The entire collection of MoneyToys is available for only $139.95 USD. Individual calculators are available for only $39.95 USD.

About Wheatworks Software, LLC

Since 1997, Wheatworks Software, LLC has created innovative financial calculators for consumers, professionals and companies in the real estate and financial services industries.


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