Online Desktop Presenter

Type: Shareware
Cost: $49.00
Size: 1.48 MB
Release date: Jul 08 2013
Platform: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:
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Country: Switzerland

Online Desktop Presenter

Present your windows desktop via Internet to any other user without any problems of firewalls nor any other security related installations. Transmit your screen content online via Internet or Intranet for presentations, trainings, sales conversations etc. to one or several remote Internet users.

Your screen content will be transmitted via FTP to your own web server or to free web space automatically and continously. Your remote dialog partners such as customers, partners, colleagues and co-workers can follow your desktop presentation system-independent (Windows, Mac, Linux etc.) only by opening the corresponding web address in their browser; no additional installation of any kind is needed on their side.

Program Features

– Data transmission of your Windows desktop in rapid sequences.
– Supporting desktops spanning multiple monitors.
– Possibility to show a partial screen region only.
– Start/pause/stop of transmission of your desktop.
– Setting of any possible subdirectory of a web server or web space accessible by FTP.
– Use of free web space if no own web server is available.
– There is only about 300 KB space in a subdirectory on the web server needed, nothing else has to be installed additionally.
– On Apache web servers the access can be additionaly restricted by a user login (htaccess).
– Possibility to preview the image of the presentation as the remote Internet user will see it.
– There can be shown any web address to the remote Internet user after the termination of the presentation.
– Deletion of the presentation on the web server after termination of the presentation.

System Requirements

On presentator’s side:
Windows XP/Vista/7
Internet access (temporary or permanent)
FTP access to a subdirectory of a web server (own or free web space)

On remote Internet user’s side:
Any operating system with any browser (Javascript activated by default)
Internet access (temporary or permanent)


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