Pirate Storm for Pokki 1.0.0

Type: Freeware
Cost: $0
Size: 777.00 kB
Release date: Jan 05 2013
Platform: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinVista,WinVista x64
Publisher’s Site:  http://www.pokki.com/
Publisher’s Product Page:  http://www.pokki.com/app/Pirate-Storm
Country: United States of America

Pirate Storm for Pokki

Pirate Storm for Pokki is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) app for your Windows PC.
Arr, it’s go time, matey – play now and experience the finest of thrilling pirate adventures for free and right from your desktop.
Full speed ahead! Massive waves are rising as the wind grow stronger, lashing your face. Hop to it glorious captain: Set sail to challenge the merciless sea. Fight your way through PvP and PvE battles against monsters and real players alike.
Sail across a game world of three regions and twelve exciting maps. With over 100 quests, customizable equipment for your ship and game character, buddy lists, guilds and a group system, Pirate Storm delivers action-packed gaming fun.
Bigpoint, the leading developer of MMO games, partnered with Pokki to bring popular BigPoint games to the Pokki platform.
* Set sail and start wreaking havoc now
* Battle against other players in strategic PvP battles
* Gain experience and gold to new weapons and upgrades for your ship


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